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Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Success in Family Law Practice

What a year it’s been. Winding up the practise in South Brisbane and moving to the big smoke in March this year. 2015 Family Law Review: What A Year It’s Been and to have their assistance when dealing with the complex issues which can arise in the breakup of entities, partnerships and trust and determining […]

Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Success in Family Law Practice

Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Success in Family Law Practice

By Aylward Game - Dec 21, 2015 Family Law Blog

What a year it’s been. Winding up the practise in South Brisbane and moving to the big smoke in March this year.

2015 Family Law Review: What A Year It’s Been and to have their assistance when dealing with the complex issues which can arise in the breakup of entities, partnerships and trust and determining the best ways of restructuring such entities after a family break up. The knowledge of the lawyers in the firm has been invaluable in dealing with the complex issues which arise from time to time.

The Family Law Section of the practise now has 2 Accredited Family Law Specialists and a very experienced family solicitor who practise exclusively in Family Law Review. We also have the benefit of a very experienced Family Law in house counsel. It has been invaluable to maintain the family law matters “in house” when dealing with a matter in the Family Court. The benefits and cost savings to our clients have been appreciated.

Our family lawyer Charles experienced many successful outcomes for his clients in the Family Court. Some of his achievements were the recovery of children from Victoria who were returned to the care of their mother. He helped an African mother keep her young children when the Department of Children’s Services intervened. Her African customs in raising children differed from the parenting we experience in Australia. The mother benefited from expert advice from Charles and the Court was satisfied the children would be well cared for in the mother’s care.


We achieved successful outcomes in negotiations and collaborative matters when both parties were happy with the settlement which they themselves achieved.

We provided many 20 minute free consultations to parties affected by recent breakups in their families. These consultations helped them to deal with the many issues which arise in such circumstances. We were only too happy to give our advice and assistance to them.

I have enjoyed the various networking events with my fellow collaborative practitioners. I have re-joined the committee of Queensland collaborative law which celebrated its ten year anniversary this year. It’s incredible how collaborative practice has grown over this short period of time. A very successful celebration was held at the office of Vincent’s Accountants in the city. To me, it is one of the most satisfying ways of negotiating family law matters. Generally, we have been able to maintain a genuine working relationship between the parties who will be involved in their children’s future for many years to come.
We have maintained our involvement with Brisbane South Bank (BSB) a viable business networking group for the South Bank precinct. We enjoyed their many networking events and in particular, the “showcases” held each year where we were able to network with the 50 business owners who participate. It is a fun event and provides a chance to get to know the business owners ranging from large corporations to small business owners which include, Qpac, the Art Gallery, GOMA and the Convention Centre.

I continued my Notarial work throughout the year and assisted many clients with the completion and authorisation of overseas commercial documents.

I appreciate the efforts and support given to me by the professional and administrative staff that work with me and we enjoy a very harmonious and enjoyable office relationship.

We are grateful for the support of my clients throughout the year. We look forward to providing positive and beneficial outcomes for our clients in the New Year.

We extend our best wishes for the festive season and wish everyone a prosperous and happy New Year.

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