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What To Do In A Separation?

What To Do In A Separation or Conflict? It is always beneficial to arrange counselling for yourself and your partner in order to: Resolve the difficulties which have occurred in your relationship in an endeavour to maintain your family relationship If the difficulties cannot be resolved then counselling is also beneficial to enable you to […]

What To Do In A Separation?

What To Do In A Separation?

What To Do In A Separation?What To Do In A Separation or Conflict?

It is always beneficial to arrange counselling for yourself and your partner in order to:

  • Resolve the difficulties which have occurred in your relationship in an endeavour to maintain your family relationship
  • If the difficulties cannot be resolved then counselling is also beneficial to enable you to separate and to minimise the emotional stresses resulting from such separation
  • Even if your partner does not attend or will not agree to counselling it is always beneficial to have counselling for yourself to deal with your own emotional issues
  • If you are unable to resolve issues in relation to your children then it is beneficial and necessary for you to arrange mediation with a mediator from a Family Relationship Centre to resolve the parenting arrangements for the children and to minimise the stress and emotional issues for the children arising from a separation. If you are able to resolve children’s issues by way of this mediation then any agreement reached on the parenting of the children can be incorporated into a parenting plan or formalised in Court orders by consent.
  • It is also beneficial to obtain legal advice in regard to parenting and financial issues to enable you to obtain full details of your rights and obligations in regard to parenting and financial issues. This will empower you for future negotiations which may take place.

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