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New Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland

The present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland Tim Carmody held judicial office as a Judge of the Family Court of Australia from 2003 until 2008. His background prior to his appointment was mainly in the criminal area. He was a legal officer assisting the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption from 1987 to […]

New Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland

New Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland

The present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland Tim Carmody held judicial office as a Judge of the Family Court of Australia from 2003 until 2008.

His background prior to his appointment was mainly in the criminal area.

He was a legal officer assisting the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption from 1987 to 1989 and was responsible for leading a multi-disciplinary forensic team, and managing informants and covert operatives in organized prostitution investigations and related illegal activities. From 1989 to 1991 he was a special prosecutor, conducting prosecutions of official corruption and other offences arising out of Fitzgerald Inquiry investigations.

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From 1996 to 1997 he was Junior Counsel Assisting the Inquiry into the Criminal Justice Commission, a public review and evaluation of the effectiveness and overall operations of Queensland’s original anti-corruption body.

WIKI: New Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of QLD

From 1998 to 2002 he was the inaugural Queensland Crime Commissioner, investigating major drug and organised crime in the State using special coercive powers including compulsory examination of witnesses.

In 2011, as a then silk practising at the private Bar, Justice Carmody was appointed by the Governor-General as a part-time examiner for the Australian Crime Commission; to undertake and supervise the use of the Commission’s coercive powers for the Commission’s special operations and investigations.

Chief Justice Carmody commenced his appointment as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland and as Chief Justice of Queensland on 8 July 2014.

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