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Understanding International Maintenance Orders and Agreements

Australia unequivocally supports the enforceability of overseas maintenance agreements. This assurance is rooted in Australia’s active participation in crucial international conventions that govern the recognition and enforcement of maintenance obligations. The New York Convention: Recovery Across Borders Australia’s involvement in the New York Convention signifies its dedication to facilitating the recovery of maintenance obligations abroad. Statistics indicate […]

Understanding International Maintenance Orders and Agreements

Understanding International Maintenance Orders and Agreements

Australia unequivocally supports the enforceability of overseas maintenance agreements. This assurance is rooted in Australia’s active participation in crucial international conventions that govern the recognition and enforcement of maintenance obligations.

The New York Convention: Recovery Across Borders

Australia’s involvement in the New York Convention signifies its dedication to facilitating the recovery of maintenance obligations abroad. Statistics indicate that over 80% of maintenance orders sought for enforcement under the New York Convention have been successfully recognised and upheld within Australia’s legal system since its adoption.

 An agreement Between Australia and the USA: Maintenance (Support) Obligations

The governments of Australia and the United States of America have an agreement to enforce maintenance (support) obligations that outlines procedures for establishing maintenance decisions, sharing information between authorities, and enforcing court orders and administrative assessments issued by each state.

The Hague Convention: Reciprocal Arrangements

Australia’s participation in the Hague Convention also fosters reciprocal arrangements with other contracting countries. Statistical data showcases a consistent increase in maintenance decisions recognised and enforced between Hague Convention member states, bolstering international cooperation.

Australia & New Zealand Agreement

On July 1, 2000, the governments of Australia and New Zealand decided to facilitate the collection of obligations under administrative child support assessments. Child support liabilities determined by the other authority may be collected by the Registrar and New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support under the terms of the Agreement between the Governments of Australia and New Zealand on Child and Spousal Maintenance.

The two Contracting States—Australia and New Zealand—have limited jurisdiction under the Agreement. The payer’s residence in the Contracting State will determine who is responsible for collection. In contrast, the Contracting State where the payee is ordinarily resident shall issue and administer the assessment. According to the terms of the Agreement, a child support assessment completed in one Contracting State will expire the day before the Contracting State gets written notification that the payee resides in the other Contracting State regularly. The other Contracting State, the payer, or the payee may send the notice.

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United Nations Convention on Maintenance Recovery Abroad

The last convention is the United Nations Convention on the Recovery of Maintenance Abroad (UNCRAM). You can request that a maintenance responsibility (child support debt) be established on behalf of the liable parent in a UNCRAM State where they reside. You can take this action when the pertinent foreign state is a UNCRAM state rather than a reciprocating state.

Empowering Authorities: The Role of the Child Support Agency

The responsibility for overseeing the registration and enforcement of overseas maintenance orders and agreements falls under the jurisdiction of the Child Support Agency in Australia. Statistics reveal that the Agency successfully registers and enforces a substantial percentage of qualifying overseas maintenance agreements each year, underscoring its pivotal role in ensuring compliance.

The Role of Services Australia

Suppose the paying parent fails to make child support payments. In that case, Services Australia may request that the other nation recover the money under reciprocating jurisdiction agreements. 

Services Australia can garnish the paying parent’s income or take money from their tax returns to satisfy the child support obligation. However, the reciprocating state might not be able to collect money as effectively as Services Australia.

Services Australia can issue a departure ban order, preventing the paying parent from leaving Australia until the child support debt is settled if the paying parent returns to the country with an outstanding child support obligation. If an individual is liable for child support, needs to make adequate payment arrangements, or has consistently and without justification neglected to pay their child support obligations. It would be preferable to impose an order prohibiting them from leaving without paying their child support obligation; the Child Support Registrar may issue a departure prohibition order. It makes sense to get guidance before the other parent departs Australia if you know their impending relocation abroad and the nation they are moving to. Before they leave Australia, a Child Support Agreement might be negotiated, mainly if it is for a certain amount of time while they are relocated. Before you depart Australia, get counsel from an international child support lawyer regarding your options for securing child support, whether you want to live abroad temporarily or even if you are moving permanently.

Tailored Provisions for Specific Nations

As part of its approach to overseas maintenance, Australia has crafted specific provisions tailored to address agreements concerning New Zealand and the United States of America. Reports highlight increased efficiency in recognising and enforcing maintenance agreements with these countries, reflecting the tailored provisions’ effectiveness.

Child Support Enforcement Overseas

No more action is necessary if an overseas parent consents to pay Services Australia regularly. However, Services Australia will take action to enforce the child support agreement through alternative means if the parent objects to this arrangement. They have the authority to liquidate any other assets held in Australia and confiscate any money the overdue payer may have in Australian bank accounts.

Cash and assets outside of Australia might be more challenging to seize. The laws governing child support vary from nation to nation, and certain Australian-only powers of collection—like salary garnishment—do not apply in other countries. Finding the new address, work information, or the address of any family members or friends is essential to enforce child support obligations for a parent who lives abroad.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are all overseas maintenance agreements enforceable in Australia?

A: No, not all agreements are automatically enforceable. For an overseas maintenance agreement to be enforced in Australia, it must meet specific criteria and qualify as a registrable maintenance liability.

Q: What role does the Child Support Agency play in enforcing overseas maintenance agreements?

A: The Child Support Agency in Australia is responsible for registering and enforcing overseas maintenance orders and agreements. However, it only enforces agreements that meet the necessary registration criteria.

Q: Do specific countries have different rules for enforcing maintenance agreements in Australia?

A: Yes, specific countries, like New Zealand and the United States of America, have tailored provisions concerning maintenance agreements. Australia has established specific protocols to streamline the recognition and enforcement of agreements with these nations.

Q: How long does enforcing an overseas maintenance agreement in Australia take?

A: The timeframe can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the Agreement, compliance with Australian legal standards, and administrative processes. Typically, the registration and enforcement process might take several weeks to months.

Q: Can individuals seek legal assistance to enforce an overseas maintenance agreement in Australia?

A: Yes, seeking legal counsel is advisable, especially in cases involving complex agreements or disputes. A legal professional can guide the registration process and compliance requirements and represent individuals in legal proceedings if necessary.