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Marriages, De Facto relationships and same sex relationships are all covered by the Family Law Act. Family Lawyers provide professional advice, assistance and support with a wide range of issues including: separation, divorce, child support, adoption and property, and financial settlements. Are you aware that there are difficulties in your relationship and that your partner […]
Marriages, De Facto relationships and same sex relationships are all covered by the Family Law Act. Family Lawyers provide professional advice, assistance and support with a wide range of issues including: separation, divorce, child support, adoption and property, and financial settlements.
Are you aware that there are difficulties in your relationship and that your partner may wish to leave.
What happens if a separation does occur.
A separation has three elements;
What you should think about prior to the separation or after the separation has occurred to protect your interests.
There are important things that you should consider should this occur.
If there are difficulties in your relationship take steps to overcome those difficulties and to prevent a separation occurring or to minimise the impact of a separation financially and emotionally if a separation is inevitable.
Take notice and become aware of your partners intention and emotions.
Seek advice to deal with your partners needs and his/her emotional hotspots.
Seek professional financial advice to structure your financial resources to minimise the impact of separation.
Close all joint bank account as soon as possible and establish an account for yourself.
Commence negotiations and try to resolve financial issues before the goodwill between yourself and your partner dries up. Work something out while communication is possible and don’t leave it before it comes too late.
Seek legal advice and counselling before leaving the home. If you intend to leave the family home make sure you take all items of property including personal belongings that you will require until a resolution has been obtained. It is important to take with you all financial documents or copies of such documents which will be required if financial and property issues cannot be resolved.
Maintain a diary noting all important events, phone calls and discussions regarding your financial and parenting issues and noting negotiations or decisions that you may achieve.
It is important that you remain calm during all discussions with your partner. It is important to protect yourself against any domestic violence proceedings that your partner may bring against you.
Endeavour to keep the lines of communication between yourself and your partner open, amicable and civil wherever possible.
Remember that verbal agreements and written agreements relating to financial issues of property and your children are not enforceable if either you or your partner do no uphold the agreements which you have reached. Agreements can only be enforced by way of Consent Orders in the Family Court or by way of financial agreements in relation to financial matters.
Prior to taking the final step to separate from your relationship make sure that you obtain legal advice on the financial and emotional issues affecting both yourself, your partner and the children.