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You Must Know Every Aspect of the Child Support Guide in Australia 2024

Operating a separation and divorce can be stressful for parents. You’re attempting to maintain balance for your kids while everything is upside down. Your initial decisions likely focus on your children’s daily upkeep. But you may later question how those decisions may influence your finances. Child support becomes helpful in this scenario.  Here, we step […]

You Must Know Every Aspect of the Child Support Guide in Australia 2024

You Must Know Every Aspect of the Child Support Guide in Australia 2024

By aylwardgame - May 15, 2024 Child Support

Operating a separation and divorce can be stressful for parents. You’re attempting to maintain balance for your kids while everything is upside down. Your initial decisions likely focus on your children’s daily upkeep. But you may later question how those decisions may influence your finances. Child support becomes helpful in this scenario. 

Here, we step you through the Australian child support scheme so you know what to expect, how to get assistance, and an overall child support guide.

What is Child Support in Australia

A child gets continual financial support resulting from their parents’ separation or divorce based on the terms of the Child Support Assessment Act. The act aims to help pay for various expenses in raising a child, including food, housing, outfits, healthcare expenses, and education costs.

One parent commonly pays child support to the other through regular payments. Although lump sum payments or covering particular expenses, like school fees, are also possible ways in which one parent pays child support to the other. The Child Support Agency of the Department of Human Services directs Australia’s more significant part of child support agreements.

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What Exactly Does the Child Support Guide Cover?

There are six sections in the child support Guide:

Part NameWhat is covered
1. About the schemeThis section covers the goals of the child support scheme, its history, legislative amendments, policy regarding Australian residency, cases involving foreign parties, and family and domestic violence.
2. Child support assessmentsThe policy governs child support assessments, including applying for assessment, providing care, applying the child support formula, and initiating the assessment change process.
3. Registrable maintenance liabilitiesThis section explains the various registrable maintenance liabilities, notification necessities, how court orders differ, how to register child support orders, court-registered agreements, and liabilities abroad.
4. Objecting, seeking a review, appealing & applying to courtPolicy concerning the child support laws’ objections, reviews, appeals, and court applications.
5. Collecting child supportThe administrative enforcement of child support liabilities and an explanation of the available methods for collecting child support.
6. AdministrationDescribes the different provisions about privacy and confidentiality, information freedom, criminal offences and punishment, and other administrative issues that impact how the Registrar handles child support cases.

Child Support Act

The Child Support Act commonly acknowledges that parents have financial liability for the costs of raising a child. Services Australia’s National Child Support Agency is liable for operating the child support scheme and handling child support services’ collection, administration, and regulation. They are your initial point of call for any child support issues.

In Australia, the following Acts contain the pertinent child support laws:

  1. Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989
  2. Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988;
  3. Child Support (Assessment) Regulations 2018; and
  4. Child Support (Registration and Collection) Regulations 2018.

What does Child Support Cover

What child support payment should cover needs to be clarified. It is expected of you as parents to agree on costs, such as:

  • Medical expenses.
  • fees for schools.
  • outfits for school.
  • Activities involving sports and dancing.
  • lessons in music.

Through direct payment of expenses, such as school fees, the paying parent can pay up to thirty per cent of the needed child support, the amount under the child support the entire system. These payments only include recognised expenses:

  • Rent.
  • Transport.
  •  School fees.
  • School uniforms.
  • Medical costs.

Suppose you and the other parent cannot agree on what child support should cover. In this instance, familial counselling or legal advice may be beneficial.

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How Can One Apply for Child Support?


If you are a kid’s parent, you can apply for child support to the Child Support Agency (CSA) by completing an online form.

You must submit personal data such as:

  1. Your children’s full names 
  2.  The complete names of the other parent and you 
  3. You and the other parent’s contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses 
  4.  Your government-issued identification numbers, such as your Tax File Number (TFN) and Centrelink Reference Number (CRN), Athletics and dancing 
  5.  Information about your income and expected income in the future
  6.  Information about every individual who depends on you for financial support, including information about how frequently they are under your care 
  7. Details about your bank account

Using this system has the benefit that CSA fully maintains it, relieving you of the stress associated with:

  1. Managing an agreement.
  2. Payment Monitoring
  3. Chasing late payments
  4. The implementation of Nonpayment

For more complex situations, seek counsel before submitting the form. Situations as that may include:

  1.  Domestic violence
  2. Intricate commercial or financial agreements
  3.  Concerns about paternity
  4. Kids with particular requirements

We advise obtaining legal counsel from a private attorney or your community legal service.


You can make a private child support arrangement with the other parent in specific scenarios. The parents (and their attorneys) can negotiate some agreements, while CSA assessments may be the foundation for others. 

Based on what is happening, a private agreement may be proper. As private contracts can last for a long time, you should confirm you’ve considered whether:

  1.  Any circumstances could change.
  2. The agreement covers your child’s future needs.

Who is Acceptable for Child Support Applications in Australia?

The two primary categories of Australians can file for child support. These are parents and non-parent carers.


If you can prove you’re legal to become a parent, you, as the parent, could apply for support for your kids. Evidence might consist of:

1. A declaration provided by statutes.

2. The child’s birth certificate bears your name.   

3. Your name appears on the adoption documents for the child.

4. The marriage license you obtained.

5. A declaration from the court.


Under particular circumstances, the law lets non-parent carers apply for child support.

Carers who are not parents include:

  1. Grandparents.
  2. More family members.
  3.  The legal guardians.

If you are a legal guardian (and not the kid’s blood relative), you must meet the criteria, including:

  1. The duration of the child’s stay in your care 
  2. If you are romantically involved with any of the child’s parents 
  3.  If you and your parent(s) share joint care 
  4. If the child would benefit most from your care
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The Way to Calculate Child Support?

A complex formula calculates the required child support. The formula acknowledges both parents’ obligation to financially support their children according to their capacity. Research on the expenses associated with raising children determines the likely cost of caring for each specific child.

Following a deducted amount for the support of that parent and any other dependent children, the formula accounts for each parent’s income and adds time spent by the child with each parent. The DOHS website is an example of how the formula runs: manual worksheets and an online child support estimator.

The Child Support (Assessment) Act of 1989 establishes the formula for child support, which Services Australia performs.

In What Way is Child Support Paid?

Parents can pay child support privately or via Services Australia. If parents decide to submit payments privately, it’s vital to put the contract in writing and keep exact records of the money received and sent.

Services Australia will collect and split any payments made through them between the parents. Services Australia can also assist parents with estimating child support, setting up payment plans, and executing payment responsibility.

In Australia, How Much Child Support Can Be Paid at Maximum?

A cap exists on the maximum child support payable when applying through the DHS.

The DHS Child Support Guide website offers information on the cost of raising children and the combined income of both parents, up to 2.5 times the annual equivalent of the Male Average Total Weekly Earnings. These figures are available on the DHS Child Support Guide website. This amount may alter if you and your ex-partner decide to reach a private agreement.

Suppose you need clarification about what figure you or your former partner have suggested. In that case, our skilled child support lawyers may discuss the costs of parental responsibility, your rights, and duties and work out a payment arrangement for you.

The absolute maximum support for kids the sum that can be divided between the parties for kids aged 12 and under, starting on January 1, 2023, if the total earnings of the parties go over $206,310, is as listed below:

  • $25,169 for one child
  • $39,198 for two children
  • $49,515 for three children

The parents’ shared child support for children 13 years of age and up is:

  • $31,359 for one child
  • $47,451 for two children
  • $58,592 for three children

What Appears When a Parent Doesn’t Pay Child Support?

Services Australia may take legal steps to collect unpaid child support if a parent doesn’t work to pay the required payments. These could involve suing, collecting tax refunds, or garnishing wages.

The fact that child support is obligatory must be included. No matter their relationship status, both adults have a duty by law to pay for their children’s needs economically.

When Are Maintenance and Support for Children Relevant?

Whatever the mutually agreed-up arrangements for living, both parent’s parties must offer kids sufficient assistance when they leave a marriage or de facto relationship.

The “duty to maintain principle drives the operation of both child support and maintenance programs.

Part VII of the Family Law Act 1975 controls child support and Child maintenance in Australia. It emphasises the value of focusing on what is best for the child when creating a parenting order.

Custody of Children and its Influence on Support for Children

Custody arrangements for children can significantly affect child support payments. In most instances, the individual with primary custody of the child receives payments for child support via the non-custodial parent. The total amount of child support gets customised if childcare costs are divided or unusual situations arise.

Knowing your children’s custody arrangements and how they may affect your child support duties is essential. Legal counsel can help you operate this procedure and secure your privileges and your children’s best interests.


Although dealing with the Child Support Instructions in Brisbane can be difficult, you can confirm that your child obtains the proper amount of money if you have the relevant data and support. You can easily access this challenging process by being informed about child support laws, acquiring lawful advice, and using all the tools at your assistance. Remember that you aren’t sole and that professionals and resources can help you at each step. Use these resources to work to your benefit and discuss the most suitable for your kid.

For expert legal advice and guidance in navigating the Child Support Guide Brisbane, contact Aylward Game Solicitors, a trusted family law firm dedicated to supporting parents in their child support journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What factors determine child support payments?

A: Factors such as individual parent’s earnings, the number of kids, and the child’s essentials decide child support payments.

Q: Is it possible to modify child support orders?

A: Child support orders can be modified if the situation changes, such as a difference in economic status or custody agreements.

Q: What occurs if a parent overlooks paying child support payments?

If a parent doesn’t provide child support, authorities can employ enforcing strategies, like license suspensions, wage garnishments, or legal proceedings.

Q: How long does child support last?

A: Support for children commonly continues until the child attains the age of majority, which differs by jurisdiction but generally means 18.