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Best Tips for Success in Family Law Litigation

Everything rarely goes according to plan in a family law matter; mistakes can be made and sometimes feel all “too hard”. Setbacks are inevitable in family law. To avoid setbacks in family law, you must know the goal-setting in your progress. The best thing to do is to plan how you will cope when you […]

Best Tips for Success in Family Law Litigation

Best Tips for Success in Family Law Litigation

Everything rarely goes according to plan in a family law matter; mistakes can be made and sometimes feel all “too hard”. Setbacks are inevitable in family law. To avoid setbacks in family law, you must know the goal-setting in your progress. The best thing to do is to plan how you will cope when you don’t feel good about yourself or your ex or how things are going with your separation and family law matters.

– Write down a couple of people you can talk to that will encourage you to keep going.

– Write down one thing you will do when you feel like giving up on your goal.


If, after doing the above, things aren’t going right, there could be several reasons:

– Your original goal may no longer hold any interest for you — it’s not until you start that you will find this out.

– You have learned something new about yourself along the way, and this is something that you are not cut out for. This is NOT a failure.

– You could need a break from working on your goal. Knowing when to put this work aside is as important as pushing yourself to succeed. Set a future date to review and start working on your goal again.

– Your goal was too big to start with. Break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks.


With so many changes in your life, many of your old friends might seem changed, too. We see them differently, and they see us differently.

Many of our old friends will not know how to look at us. It’s a sad fact, but you are likely to lose some friends you are not expecting to lose, especially married ones. They may not understand the emotions you are going through and feel inadequate, or your separation may be a little too close to home.

Comments made by separated parents:

– ‘I looked around, and everybody was gone; everybody got kinda weird when I’d run into them at school, the shops, or functions. Why do my friends react this way?’

– ‘It was awkward for many people, but my friends acted like they were getting divorced instead of me. But now I know how to handle it when it happens to somebody else.’

‘Divorce lets you know who your friends are.’

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  • As soon as you can, sit down and prepare the details that you want others to know, like:
  • Is it okay to ask the ex-partner/spouse to parties?
  • Is it okay to invite your ex’s new partner to social events?
  • Most friends and family want to help but need to be made aware of your needs. Ask for what you want, and don’t wait for them to call, as they may feel that they are intruding.
  • Leave nothing to chance in their understanding of your expectations.
  • Do you want them to stay neutral and remain in contact with both of you?
  • Do you want a particular friend to be someone you can be confident in?
  • Are you comfortable being invited to the same function as your ex?
  • Permit friends to tell you when they need a break. As an alternative to relying on your friends, try to find a support group.


Tips on how to get the most out of your family law case

Taking the right action is essential for the best outcome in family law issues because they can be complex and stressful. The following advice will help you obtain the best result possible in your family law case:

  • Seek legal counsel – Family law is complicated and constantly evolving. Hence, it’s critical to consult a knowledgeable family lawyer who can help you navigate the system and provide you with the finest legal counsel.
  • Be willing to negotiate: Negotiate a solution instead of going to court. This can be a more efficient and affordable way to settle your dispute. Additionally, it can support you in building stronger relationships, which is crucial if you plan to continue parenting with your ex-partner after your legal problems are settled.
  • Be truthful: Being forthright and honest about your financial status and any other pertinent issues is critical. This will help your attorney establish the most vigorous defence and obtain the best result for your case. It can be tempting to keep anything pertinent to yourself out of discomfort or the belief that it will undermine your argument. Understanding unpleasant situations can help your lawyer handle them as effectively as possible. 
  • Collect documents: When it comes to financial matters, it is helpful to have records that show the contributions you made both at the beginning and during the relationship, as well as the current value of your assets, liabilities, and superannuation. Records about past events can be more challenging to get. Still, they are crucial in a disagreement, for instance, regarding the nature of your initial partnership.
  • Consider the kids’ best interests: If kids are involved, it’s critical to consider what’s best for them. This involves considering how vital a relationship with both parents is to your child. Every parent should spend quality time with their child in a safe and tailored way that fits their needs. It can be challenging to adjust when your personal preferences don’t align with what’s best for your kids.
  • Follow court orders: It’s critical to follow a judge’s orders. Disobedience to court orders may damage your case and have dire repercussions.
  • Remain calm and composed: Although family law cases can be intensely emotional, it’s crucial to maintain your composure. This will enable you to take suggestions seriously, think things out, and finally arrive at the best option. It’s tough to be separated. You can manage your emotional issues with expert assistance from a psychologist or counsellor.

It’s crucial to seek individualized assistance from a skilled family lawyer because every family law situation differs. Our experienced family lawyers can help you with divorce, child support, property settlement, and parenting.

To help you get the best result possible for your circumstance, please call us at (1800) 217 217 to speak with a lawyer and schedule an appointment.

Protect Your Rights, Preserve Your Peace
Contact Our Accredited Family Law Specialists.


What should I do to avoid setbacks in family law matters?

To avoid setbacks in family law matters, it is essential to set goals and plan how you will cope when you don’t feel good about yourself, your ex, or how things are going with your separation and family law matters. Write down a couple of people you can talk to that will encourage you to keep going, and write down one thing you will do when you feel like giving up on your goal.

What should I do if things need to be improved to achieve my goals?

If you are having trouble achieving your goals, there could be several reasons, such as the goal no longer being of interest to you, you learning something new about yourself along the way, you needing a break from working on your goal, or your goal being too big to start with. To overcome this, break the goal into smaller, more manageable chunks, set a date to review it, start working on your goal again, and take a break when needed.

How can I maintain my friendships following separation?

Sit down with your friends and family as soon as possible and let them know what’s going on to keep your friendships together after separation. This can include details such as whether it’s okay to ask the ex-partner/spouse to parties or invite your ex’s new partner to social events. Leave nothing to chance in their understanding of your expectations, give them permission to tell you when they need a break, and try to find a support group instead of relying solely on your friends. Lastly, be a friend if you want to have a friend.

Why do some friends react weirdly after a separation?

Many of our old friends might seem changed too following a separation. This is because they may not understand the emotions you are going through, or your separation may be a little too close to home for them. It’s essential to communicate with your friends about what you’re going through and what you need from them to maintain the friendship.

How can I handle it when my friends react awkwardly following a separation?

It can be challenging to handle when your friends react awkwardly following a separation. However, the best thing to do is to communicate with them about what you’re going through and what you need from them to maintain the friendship. Give them permission to tell you when they need a break, and try to find a support group as an alternative to relying solely on your friends. Remember, most of all, be one if you want to have a friend.